4 Out of 5 Stars
Rush hit a new peak with 2002's "Vapour Trails," an album where Neil Peart dealt with the loss of his wife and child, and the effects of 9/11with stomach kicking intensity. "Snakes and Arrows
Still, when the first words from Geddy Lee are "Pariah dogs and wandering madmen barking at strangers and speaking in tongues," you know you're back to the power that Rush started delivering around the time of "Permanent Waves." Lifeson has backed off the keyboards a bit, though, and his guitar is the mad mixture of acoustic picking (the instrumental "Hope") to the atmospheric power chording (on "Far Cry"), blistering solos ("Armour and Sword") and the loud blues thunder on the politically bent "The Way The Wind Blows." "Snakes and Ladders" was Rush's 18th studio album and it was recorded shortly after the band celebrated their 30th anniversary. With the powerful duo of releases that were "S&L" and "Vapour Trails," is astounding to see/hear how well they've matured.
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