Friday, July 16, 2010

My Amazon Reviews: Shoes "Boomerang/Shoes On Ice"

Boomerang/Shoes On IceComes back and hits you every time
4 Out Of 5 Stars

The third album on Elektra by the Shoes was an effort at self production, and sounds as good as any of their previous efforts. Seems "Boomerang" was Shoes as the Shoes understood themselves; melodic power-pop with buzzing guitars and rich harmonies. It's not the flawless masterstroke "Present Tense" or the fuzzed out speed ball of "Tongue Twister," it's still a darn good album.

In fact, with the exception of "The Tube" and "Shake It Away," all the songs here are mini-masterpieces. "Summer Rain" rates as one of my fave Shoes songs, and "Mayday" and "What Love Means" are among the Shoes tunes that make me wonder why these guys never brokered a hit single. I'm also partial to the brooding "Tested Charms," a low key song about a flirt who is finding out her moment has passed.

The reissue of "Boomerang" benefits from the bonus EP "Shoes On Ice," songs from the first two albums performed in front of a hometown crowd. It gives ample evidence that the four Shoesters were 100% capable of recreating the energy of their albums from the stage and makes the purchase of this CD a must for power-poppers.

Present Tense/to Ngue Twister   Shoes Best 

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